How To Choose The Best Web Hosting Company In Nigeria.

How To Choose The Best Web Hosting Company In Nigeria.

In this article, I am going to use my experience so far in web hosting to reveal to you how to choose the best web hosting company in Nigeria.

The two things that will help you run an optimized blog or website are your domain or website name and hosting service.

In as much as both services can be provided by a web hosting company, in some cases, web designers choose to purchase a domain name differently before hosting it with another provider.

But our focus in this article is going to be on how you can choose the best web hosting provider in Nigeria.

As a matter of fact, your web hosting company will enable your blog or website to run perfectly 24 hours in cyberspace.

Any error that arises from a web hosting provider will drastically affect your entire website.

It is a web hosting company that determines the speed, reliability, and stability of a blog or website.

And for that reason, it is vital to always make the right choice when it comes to settling for a web hosting provider.

And without much waste of time, below are the 7 essential things you need to look out for in order to choose the best web hosting company in Nigeria.

7 features of the best web hosting company in Nigeria.

To choose the best web hosting company in Nigeria, you need to look out for the following 7 features:

  1. Website speed.
  2. Uptime.
  3. Security.
  4. Backups.
  5. Customer service.
  6. Storage and bandwidth.
  7. Pricing.

1. Website speed.

Every blog or website needs to be optimized for speed because, as human beings are generally impatience; they are likely going to abandon any blog or website that takes a longer period of time to load.

And when t comes to the speed of a blog or website, web hosting providers play a very important part.

Therefore, it is very necessary you settle for a web hosting provider that will make your blog or website load within the recommended speed of 2 seconds.

2. Uptime.

Uptime can be defined as the percentage of time your blog or website is online.

It is estimated that an uptime of 98% will cause your site to be down for 6 days in one year.

And you know how that can affect your online business.

So when trying to settle for a web hosting company in Nigeria, ensure that their uptime is at least 99.8% or even higher.

3. Security.

There’s nothing more horrible than suffering to grow a blog or website for years and in the end, it gets hacked; and you lost all the content that was produced with so much hard work, time, and money.

That is why you should take web hosting security very seriously.

A good web hosting company must have an automatic update and malware protecting the sites of their clients.

And this can be evidenced by your host providing you with a free SSL (security) certificate.

4. Backups.

A good web hosting company must provide you with regular automatic backups on your C-Panel.

This is what will help you restore your site with one click if it crashes.

5. Customer service.

A good web hosting company must give you a 24/7/365 customer service response.

Most of those customer services must include phone calls, WhatsApp chats, other social chat integration, support tickets, etc.

Make sure you don’t settle for hosts that charge extra for these services.

6. Storage and bandwidth.

Storage entails how much content, images, and data the hosting provider will allow you to share; while bandwidth is the amount of data that can flow through the server.

Both features will have a great impact on the blog speed and the number of visitors to the website.

Normally, you should get the highest storage and bandwidth, though this depends on the plan you can afford.

But ensure your host provider in Nigeria has the highest storage and bandwidth to offer.

7. Pricing.

As a matter of fact, the price you pay for web hosting will depend on your plan.

There are plans you are allowed to host a single domain, there are ones you host 3 and there are ones you can host unlimited domains.

The plan also will determine how optimized your website is depending on the kind of service you purchase.

Cloud and shared hosting are the 2 most popular web services you can get from your web hosting company.

If you want to run a personal website you are not expecting so much traffic, you can settle for shared hosting which is going to cost less.

But if you need a website with high performance, which is going to attract so much traffic, then cloud hosting (also called VPS) should be your number one choice.

Best web hosting company in Nigeria: Truehost cloud.

The best web hosting company in Nigeria is Truehost Cloud.

About Truehost Cloud NG.

Truehost is the best and most reliable web hosting company in Nigeria. With this Nigeria web hosting company known as Truehost, you will never get to lose your business as a result of your website being down.

This is because Truehost will give you a 99.9% uptime guarantee on their services. Thus, you don’t have to worry about losing any of your potential customers because of downtime.

Now let’s look at more features of Truehost Cloud NG.

Features of Truehost Cloud NG.

When it comes to hosting your website in Nigeria with Truehost, you are going to enjoy the following features:

  • 24/7 365 live customer support.
  • Fastest cloud and websites.
  • Very simple to use.
  • Free account and file migration.
  • Security.
  • Optimized WordPress website builder.
  • Unlimited email hosting.

1. 24/7 365 live customer support.

Truehost Cloud has highly competent Customer Success Personnel who will provide Excellent experience and services to their customers.

They have chat channels like Livechat, Whatsapp, Tickets, Emails, Phone calls, Social Media, and Knowledgebase.

All these channels are controlled by humans, however, a highly trained customer support bot Zola helps with frequently requested services including password reset, SSL certificate installation, account transfer, ticket opening, ticket status, nameserver change, invoice request, and payment verification among others.

2. Fastest cloud and websites.

Truehost will provide you with a lightning-fast cloud for a website, email, and application hosting. Truehost Cloud is powered by AMD’s and Intel Xeon latest super processors, NVMe SSD drives, Unlimited bandwidth, HTTP/3, and Litespeed Webservers.

This cloud infrastructure provides unmatched performance for WordPress Websites, Applications, Virtual Machines, and any other cloud app without any compromise on security.

3. Very simple to use.

Truehost Cloud is very simple and easy to use.

It is engineered to accommodate both experts and newbies. Alongside easy-to-use API for techies, Truehost Cloud provides simple but feature-rich user interphase for all users.

You do not need experience or training to get started and use Truehost Cloud either for simple and complex use cases or personal and enterprise applications.

Besides that, Truehost will provide you with text and video user guides in addition to Live Support.

4. Free account and file migration.

Truehost Cloud provides free IN transfer of workloads to our cloud. Free transfers cover websites, applications, servers, and reseller accounts among others.

Transfers are performed from server to server by using secure transfer tools to ensure high data integrity and security.

Most migration timelines are within 24 hours. Some bulk migrations may attract a fee and in some rare cases Truehost Cloud may lack the competencies to perform the transfer; in those cases, the transfer is performed by the client.

5. Security.

Security is of utmost importance at Truehost Cloud. That is why Truehost has invested in up-to-date security technology and the capacity to ensure Total security.

Truehost Cloud Web hosting deploys Hardened Cloud Linux, LVE containerized environment, inhouse WAF, AntiDDOS, and anti-phishing (Loudoun) technology automated backup and updates.

Additionally, every account comes with a free SSL Security which you can get from Lets Encrypt to add additional security to your website.

6. Optimized WordPress website builder.

Truehost Cloud provides optimized WordPress Hosting. A combination of a fast cloud, Litespeed web servers, and custom cache plugins such as W3 Total among others ensure a 90%+ score on

Truehost Customer Success Personnel is also well versed with the latest on the use of WordPress.

7. Unlimited email hosting.

Email communication and marketing have since remained the primary business communication channel. For this reason, Truehost Cloud has therefore strived to ensure reliable and affordable email communication as part of its offering for every hosting account.

In addition to emails on a shared platform, Truehost Cloud also provides private email servers and platforms.

Read more on Truehost Cloud Email Offerings.

Truehost Cloud data centers.

Aside from Nigeria, Truehost Cloud has data centers located all over the world in at least 11 countries which include:

  • Frankfurt (Germany)
  • Gravelines (France)
  • London (UK)
  • Montreal (Canada)
  • Dallas (US)
  • Vint Hill (US)
  • Sidney (Australia)
  • Singapore (Singapore)
  • Warsaw (Poland)
  • Nairobi (Kenya)
  • Lagos (Nigeria)
  • Johannesburg (South Africa)

How to sign up with Truehost Cloud.

Signing up with Truehost Cloud is very easy, all you have to do is head on to their website and register for an account that will enable you to host your website with this best web hosting company in Nigeria.